- Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan confirmed that the two new passenger vessels to service the sea bridge are on track for delivery. One is expected in November this year, and the other by the end of the first quarter of 2021.
- Cabinet has agreed to NIDCO’s recommendation to renew the contract for the Cabo Star for another two years at a reduced rate of US$16,200 per day. This, after the preferred provider increased their fee to US$23,300 and negotiations with other providers broke down over prices.
- Finance Minister Colm Imbert reminded that the Spotlight on the Budget and the Economy Forum will be held at the Hyatt Regency ballroom on Monday 28th September 2020. The Forum is meant to keep the public informed of the country’s finances, as well as the effect of COVID-19 on revenues and expenditure ahead of the upcoming budget. The Forum will be held in keeping with all Public Health protocols. There will be 80 persons from Government, private sector and interest groups making up the live audience at the Hyatt, as well as a large virtual audience of about 300 people.
- Minister de Nobriga reminded citizens to continue wearing masks and follow the current health guidelines.